Wealth Management

Will Congress Pass The SECURE Act 2.0 This Year?

The SECURE Act 1.0 shifted retirement investing away from tax-deferred growth (or tax-free growth in Roth accounts) towards a system that exposes more retirement savings to taxation in what is expected to be an economy with tax rates increasing in future years. SECURE Act 1.0 Legislative Strategies TSP Family Office clients can mitigate the wealth-eroding characteristics

Roth Conversion Strategies for High Income Earners

Roth conversions are often used by high income earners to move money from a traditional IRA, which is taxed when you withdraw money in retirement, by converting the account to a Roth IRA, which is taxed at the time of conversion. This is beneficial since your retirement investment is meant to increase, as likely as

Work With Someone Who Understands Your Business and Personal Finances

We now offer a comprehensive suite of cohesive financial services under our new name, TSP Family Office. Estate planning, risk management, day-to-day money management, document organization, tax savings strategies — we do it all and more. We work with entrepreneurs like you who have significant goals between your business and personal finances, and you need

Create Your Own Financial Outcome

Picturing your financial future can feel both exciting and stressful, and it’s  easy to get overwhelmed. However, with our comprehensive step-by-step guide, you can begin your financial goal setting and start on your path to reaching your desired financial outcome today. Figure Out Your Current Net Worth One of the first steps to creating your

Aligning Your Financial Goals Has Never Been Easier

As your business grows, planning for your financial health is a necessary step toward reaching your long-term financial goals. We often think of the beginning of the year as the best time to think about these matters, but the truth is that any time can be ideal for establishing your vision for the future and

Give Yourself the Gift of Financial Security

Taking control of your future is the key to organizing your financial life, compounding your wealth, and building the legacy of your dreams — and it is attainable working with a family office. Traditionally, many wealthy individuals and families have worked with separate financial experts that produced disjointed advice. Now there is a better way.

Wealth Management, Tax Planning, Asset Protection

Oftentimes, many business owners and high earners receive fragmented guidance that results in conflicting advice. This disconnect can come with a significant price tag as a lack of collaboration between financial advisors and tax planners can lead to detrimental loss of face value for your retirement fund. The true value of a financial partner lies

What is a Family Office?

For many high-net-worth individuals, a family office may be familiar, but not without questions on which pieces of your financial life this type of consultant should handle. A family office is a private wealth management firm made up of a team that helps you make financial decisions. They serve high-net-worth individuals and families by providing

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