TSP Family Office

Tax Tips for End-of-Year Planning

As we enter the last quarter of the year and look forward to next year, here are some tax tips for how to maximize your income while minimizing the tax bite, including steps you can take now and plans you can make for the future. First, it’s worth mentioning the dreaded “I” word: “inflation.” While

The Multigenerational Wealth Navigator

What distinguishes TSP Family Office from others in the financial space is our development of a proprietary process that creates abundant, multigenerational wealth through integrated, comprehensive financial and tax strategies. We have been developing this unique process, The Multigenerational Wealth Navigator, for more than 20 years. We see our role as learning to understand you,

Why an RIA is an important part of the family office?

Registered Investment Advisers (RIAs)* are an important part of the family office but many people don’t know the important difference between RIAs and other financial advisors. Registered financial representatives have a similar title but are governed by different regulations. The distinctions are important. Registered financial representatives are governed by suitability standards that require them to

3 Proven Tactics to Pay Less in Taxes

Overpaying on taxes, unfortunately, is a very real situation for many people. Whether they are unaware of certain tax codes and credits or lack a true tax strategy, many families are stuck paying more than others at tax time. This can lead to less money in their pockets and a more difficult path toward building

Key Considerations For Preserving Wealth

Your children mean the world to you, and you would do anything for them. They deserve the security that they will be taken care of; God forbid something were to happen to you. You’ve spent a lifetime making sacrifices and hard decisions to accumulate your wealth, as well. After all that hard work, your legacy

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