Your children mean the world to you, and you would do anything for them. They deserve the security that they will be taken care of; God forbid something were to happen to you. You’ve spent a lifetime making sacrifices and hard decisions to accumulate your wealth, as well. After all that hard work, your legacy should be transferred within your family — not to the United States government.
Staying informed about financial opportunities that advance your plan is the best way to provide for your family down the line. We know it may be difficult for you to determine which options are best. Our family office is here to support your goals with wealth accumulation and protection strategies tailored to your unique situation. As your personal needs and external factors like tax laws change, it’s important to revisit your plan at least annually.
For example, consider current inflation rates — they’re the highest we’ve experienced in 30 years. Despite this, we are experiencing some of the lowest tax rates in history. Conventional wisdom has traditionally recommended deferring taxes on retirement funds until you retire, as you’ll typically be in a lower tax bracket after retirement. However, current legislation and economic conditions suggest that deferring may not be the best choice now.
A team who can help you prepare for the future and keep you up to date on new opportunities as they arise can ultimately make a significant difference in your financial health. If you wish to speak with one of our professionals about updating your financial plans or establishing a set of goals and working towards them, please get in touch with us at (772) 257-7888.